No Cost Preschool Application

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The application for the 2024-2025 school year is closed.

Applications for the 2025-2026 school year will be open on March1, 2025.

Completing this preschool application does not guarantee a program placement. After completing the application, you will still need to complete program enrollment forms and provide documentation to verify eligibility.

Checking the status of a current application? Click Here and enter your child’s tracking number. Can’t find your tracking number? Contact our office for assistance at or 616-447-2409 Option #1.

Kent County Preschool Intake Steps
Complete online application
For GSRP, children must be 4 on or before December 1.
Turn in all required documentation
  • Proof of Birth - copy of legal birth certificate, passport, hospital record, baptismal record or other government form
  • Proof of Income (for everyone who contributes to the household) - income tax form, W-2, pay stub, unemployment, written statement from employer, foster care reimbursement, SSI documentation, child support, alimony, or pensions
  • Proof of Residency - driver's license with current address, current utility bill, rent receipt, tax bill or land contract
  • Most recent physical or well child checkup or health appraisal form
  • Immunization Record or signed waiver from health department
  • If your child has an IEP, we will need a copy
Documents can be emailed to or mailed to KCPI, 864 Crahen NE Grand Rapids MI 49525.
Classroom Placement
You will be contacted by email as soon as a program and classroom placement is made for your child. Placement notifications start in May and continue until all spots are filled. Placements are made based on need using the State of Michigan required placement process.


email or call 616.447.2409
If you have a tracking number for a child, enter it here to check the status of your application